Mi Familia | Easter Eggs
Hi everyone! Long time no blog. Life has been crazy but I finally made time to share my adventures with you. Hopefully I can get better at posting one blog a week. Well here goes, the following photos are of my family on Easter Day.
I've been playing around with my editing and this is the look that has been making me happy the past few months with my personal work. I have been shooting for my Mi Familia series but have not shared too much with the public. I hope to reveal new work with an art show if I can make that happen this year.

I have a new family member and he is a delight to photograph. Santiago is my first nephew and he reminds me what love is every time I hang out with him.
It's becoming a family tradition since Santi was only the size of a lemon in my sisters belly to crack some confetti eggs on each others heads around Easter time. Santi didn't like it too much. If anything he was worried as to why everyone was running around hitting each other on the head. If this art show even begins to see the light I will be updating you on it.
Thanks for stopping by!