Day of the Dead | Dia De los Muertos

November 2nd is day of the dead. On this day we celebrate and remember the lives of our loved ones who have passed away. We celebrate life and we accept how death is a natural part of life. I had planned to go visit Mexico this year but work happened so me and my family made an offering to invite our deceased family to come visit us. The day of the dead is not Mexican halloween. So stop. Just stop.

El 2 de Noviembre es el día de los muertos. En este día celebramos y nos acordamos de la vida de nuestros seres queridos que an fallecido. Celebramos la vida y aceptamos que la muerte es algo natural. Tenia planeado ir a Mexico este año pero como no se pudo entonces mi familia y yo arreglamos una ofrenda para invitar a nuestros difuntos a visitarnos.

On offering consists of an image of the deceased,

Una ofrenda consiste de una foto del difunto,

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Their favorite foods.

La comida favorita del difunto. Quién podría resister arroz con frijoles?! :D

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Pan de Muerto by my local HEB. Usually this sweet bread will be in the shape of bones and a skull.

Pan de Muerto by my local HEB. Usually this sweet bread will be in the shape of bones and a skull.

Una concha para mis abuelitas que siempre me la servia con un té.A concha for my grandmas who always served it to me with some tea.

Una concha para mis abuelitas que siempre me la servia con un té.

A concha for my grandmas who always served it to me with some tea.

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Dirt/Flowers. Because something that has roots is attached to earth.

Tierra/Flores. porque algo que tiene raíz es verdadero y viene de nuestro mundo.

These seeds are of a beautiful tree called Jacaranda that is found in my little town in Mexico.Las semillas son de un árbol hermoso que se llama Jacarandá que se encuentra en mi pueblito en Mexico.

These seeds are of a beautiful tree called Jacaranda that is found in my little town in Mexico.

Las semillas son de un árbol hermoso que se llama Jacarandá que se encuentra en mi pueblito en Mexico.

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Water… or some kind of alcohol.

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Agua… o un tipo de alcohol.

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Fire to light the darkest of night.

Fuego para que ilumine la noche oscura.

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A black dog to help them cross over to our world by riding on its back.

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Un perrito negro para ayudarlos a cruzar a nuestro mundo tutado en su lomo.

And lastly air, which in my offering is represented by the movement of the red linen everything is sitting on. Air is usually represented with the origami like paper flags hanging at the offerings.

Y lo ultimo seria aire, representado por el movimiento del mantel rojo. El papel picado es lo que se usa en otras ofrendas.


Creating this offering with my family in memory of our ancestors has been gratifying and made me extremely happy! Thank you for stopping by!

Dia de los Muertos!