Alvin, TX | Lobo | Pet Portraits
Hi there! I feel like I have not had time to sit down and write a story in a while! I have been out photographing lovely couples & meeting with new ones to help them plan the perfect session, SO EXCITED ABOUT THE ONES COMING UP! I am so very happy and grateful for everything that is happening for me right now. I have my wonderful couples to thank for all of this! โค๏ธ
SO! About the photos below. Today I was out looking for a spot to shoot this idea I have in mind but after about 10 minutes into location scouting, it became a portrait session for Lobo, my adorable pup. This happens pretty often believe it or not. I wanted to share these with you guys because this handsome hunk makes my day every day and I hope that by looking at these images he will make your day as well! Also fall colors are showing up pretty nicely in my backyard.

This image is me trying out the idea that I had in mind. So I did end up doing what I was suppose to, just got a little distracted. In case you are curious I am trying to create a Stranger Things (the Netflix show) themed image to submit into an art show at Texas Art Asylum. I'm playing with the idea of the upside-down world but this is not exactly what I had in mind. I like it... but not enough to submit lol. It seems like it's going to be harder than I thought it would be so... I might not make the upcoming deadline.
You can follow Lobo on Instagram!
Yes I made an Instagram for my dog so what?
Thanks for stopping by and hope Lobo made your day! :D